Any Soap Recomendations either?Face Washing Tips Anybody?
here ya go:鈥?/a>
i recommend proactive since it works for me, but you can also try gentler products if you breakouts arent that bad such as neutrogena and bioreFace Washing Tips Anybody?
I would recommend clinique face wash. They will tell you what type of skin you have (oily, dry, oily combo, dry combo) and then get that.
Wash your face once in the morning, once at night. If you over wash your face your skin will produce more oil to compensate and your skin will suffer.
After you wash your face (either at night or morning) apply a moisturizer. Gel moisterizer from clinique if you have oilier skin, the lotion if its dry skin.
Once or twice a week, use an exfoliator to work dead skin off your face.
Don't touch your face.
Keep your hair out of your face (hair oil + hair products clog pores)
Change your sheets regularly...
I use Dial soap, acne terminator, moisturizer, and witch hazel.
1.Warm water in sink.
2.Use a scrubby, washcloth, or hands and get them wet.
3.Rub soap onto it.
4.Wash face thoroughly paying close attention to oily parts.
5.Wipe off soap with hot water.
6. Dry.
7. Apply witch hazel onto a cotton ball.
8. Wipe face with cotton ball, again, paying close attention to oily parts.
9. Put a LITTLE bit of moisturizer onto your hand and rub into face.
10. Apply acne terminator to pimples or places that get overly oily.
Hope this helped! Good luck!
Some natural ways to help skin is lemon it seems to be rather afforable and effective.
Squeeze a fresh lemon and apply it with a cotton ball, it may leave a burning sensation at first, but you'll get use to it. Leave it over night or 20 - 30 minutes.
Remember don't use soap too often because it dries your skin out making your body secrete extra oil... shower daily, and make sure not to touch your face too often.
If you do decide to use an acne medicine don't irritate your skin by rubbing hard, gently apply to your skin.
Good luck
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